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The Committee are the management team of the playgroup; acting as employer for the staff, promoting and supporting the playgroup through PR, fundraising and events, managing the financial accounts, managing admissions, and ensuring that above all, we meet the legal and regulatory requirements for the playgroup. Our Committee is supported by our Administrator.
We are a voluntary group of parents and carers who either have children currently attending, that have previously attended or our due to attend the playgroup. Everyone brings their own set of skills and ideas. Committee members can be mums, dads, grandparents, or carers, but can also be people from the local community who have an interest in the playgroup. We welcome new members at any time of the year. You can join as a general member or volunteer to be a part of our fundraising team, and help out with events where possible. We meet once every half term for a committee meeting. Please feel free to join us at any meeting to see what the committee entails.
You can contact the committee by sending your enquiry through the 'Contact Us' section of this website, or by sending an email to, or for events on
Alternatively, you can write to us at the playgroup address. Please mark the envelope 'For the attention of the Committee'.
Emily Steele (Chair, Health & Safety Officer, Fundraising Lead, Safeguarding Liaison)
Felicity Murray (Treasurer, Fundraising Team)
Monica Haig (Secretary, Staff Liaison Officer)
Layla Cornell (Ofsted Contact, General Member)
As a charity, fundraising is really important to Chestnut Playgroup. In addition to the fundraising events that we do throughout the year, here is another way that you can help our playgroup when you shop. It's really easy.